ASHRAE NAC President
Christina Herbers, P.Eng, LEED AP
My top three goals this year as President are to elevate:
- Sustainable building designs
- Women in ASHRAE
- And Diversity in ASHRAE
I believe that our HVAC-R industry can have a major impact on reducing Carbon emissions. By designing our built environment with sustainability at the forefront, we can create a future better for our children.
I look forward to serving you as ASHRAE Northern Alberta Chapter (NAC) President, 2024-2025. I am thankful to all of the ASHRAE volunteers that I have worked with over the years, and have mentored me, and I am thankful and excited about our current board of directors.
Mark Henry - NAC President's Message 2022-2023

Welcome back! I cannot wait to see all our members again in person as the ASHRAE
Northern Alberta Chapter season is underway.
My message today is about involvement in ASHRAE. ASHRAE was founded in 1894 so this year marks the 126 th year in existence. This will be the 67 th year of our Northern Alberta Chapter. Our industry has evolved a lot in those years. The challenge and needs of today and tomorrow continue to grow. ASHRAE is at the forefront of this challenge and provides technical resources and research to our industry. The ‘what’s in it for me’ is to engage in events, partnerships, content and networking.
I invite you to get involved with ASHRAE. Without the support of owners, architects, contractors, consultants, contractors and suppliers, ASHRAE does not exist or flourish. In addition to monthly meetings, social events and technical resources, there are so many different and diverse functions within ASHRAE. Take a look at the society website and click on the top ribbon for a number of technical resources, professional development, communities, conferences and membership. Our region website is available at and provides a lot of information for those interested in getting involved at the region or society level.
I’d like to recognize a new member to our ASHRAE NAC Board of Directors. He is Daniel Brown from BPA. Daniel started to attend our board meetings in the past year and attended the ASHRAE Annual Conference in Toronto in late June. Later this year (November), he will be attending the YEA Leadership Weekend in Vancouver. In a few short years, safe to say he will be writing this message. We look forward to hearing of his experiences.
Please feel free to reach out to myself or any of the board members with questions, suggestions or recommendations.
Justin Phil - NAC President's Message 2021-2022

It is an honour to serve as the ASHRAE Northern Alberta chapter president for the 2021-2022 year. I am looking forward to seeing our membership in person again this year after a year of online meetings. The Northern Alberta chapter board is hard at work planning events for this year.
I want to thank everyone who volunteered to be part of the board this year. We filled every chair position and nearly every chair has a few volunteers to help as well. It is great to see the enthusiasm and involvement from our membership year after year, we truly have one of the most passionate communities. If you would like to get involved, please reach out, we are more than happy to have you on board.
While we aren't quite back to normal yet, we will continue to host events, build our membership, provide professional development opportunities, support ASHRAE research, recognize the great work our membership does, and share our knowledge with the community. Hope to see you at some of our events this year.
Justin Phil
Lyle Van Wieren - NAC President's Message 2020-2021

I am very excited to serve as ASHRAE NAC chapter president for 2020-2021. As usual we have a great group of volunteers and have almost all of our committee chairs filled. I encourage you to reach out to any of our Board of Governors or chairs to see how you can get further involved in ASHRAE as well.
This year is going to be a great learning experience for everyone involved, as a majority of our usual events are going to look quite a bite different. Being the year of the pandemic all of our events for the foreseeable future are virtual, even our Board of Governors meetings have moved from the rowdy pub atmosphere to staring into our webcams. We still expect to get great attendance from our dedicated members and to keep everyone engaged with some excellent technical presentations, but let’s do our part to stop the spread so we can get back to our normal events in the new year.
Unfortunately some of our best fundraiser and networking events are in jeopardy (Christmas luncheon, curling bonspiel, and golf tournament) so I am formally requesting that you do your best to continue to support the Chapter in any way you can. With COVID and other infectious diseases top of mind, research dollars are as critical as ever. The support of our members has been phenomenal throughout all of my years in ASHRAE and I expect this great group of members to continue to stay engaged.
Lyle Van Wieren
Adrian Beaudin - NAC President's Message 2019-2020

Dear ASHRAE Northern Alberta Chapter Members and guests to our website;
I am honored and privileged to serve as your Chapter President for the 2019-2020 term and very fortunate to be teamed up with an enthusiastic and supportive Board of Governors. Together, we are eager to kick-off the season. As a team we strive to enhance the role of our Chapter in our Society.
I am excited and will be looking forward to the Chapter program of events. This year’s agenda will consist of: intuitive lunch and dinner meetings with special guest speakers and DL’s, social events, Christmas Bureau fundraiser dinner event, NAC Golf Classic, Lobsterfest, YEA Socials, diversity in ASHRAE and several other events throughout, including hosting the ASHRAE Chapter Regional Conference - Chaired by Kent Signorini.
The success and mere existence of our Chapter does not happen unless we have the support of our members. Members that consist of Consultants, Owners, Contractors and Suppliers. Our chapter is extremely lucky to have your support. This support must continue to grow and evolve. We need to spark and strengthen that sense of community. I encourage those of you in the industry to sign-up and become a member.
Please feel free to reach out to myself or any of the board members with questions, suggestions or recommendations for new recruits. I’m excited to get the season rolling and look forward to engaging all of you in serving our Chapter.
Best Regards,
Adrian Beaudin
Michael Ream - NAC President's Message 2018-2019

Dear ASHRAE NAC Chapter Members:
It is an honor and a privilege to be able to serve as the Chapter President for the 2018-2019 year.
As we look forward to this new year, I would like to take a moment and thank Wes Bruce and all of the other Past Presidents for their leadership and commitment to the chapter. Without them, we would not have the dynamic chapter that we have today.
ASHRAE was formed as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers by the merger in 1959 of American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHAE) which was founded in 1894 and The American Society of Refrigerating Engineers (ASRE) founded in 1904.
What started in 1959 as an organization with 18,000 members has grown into a global society of over 50,000 with members on every continent in the world. While the long-term goals of ASHRAE have evolved since then, the one thing that has remained constant is the hard work and dedication of the volunteers that have served over the years.
I hope that everyone has had a good summer and is looking forward to an exciting year coming up. We’ve got some interesting speakers, training courses as well as social events planned for this year.
My involvement with ASHRAE started over 15 years ago. I started by attending meetings based on topics that were of professional interest. From there I was able to enjoy the social and networking aspects of the meetings and that has evolved into becoming an active member of the board.
To the returning members of the Board and Committee Chairs, I appreciate your continued support of our local chapter; to the new members, I am excited to be working with you in the upcoming year.
I’m looking forward seeing all of you at the meetings throughout the year. I ask for your continued support of the chapter by attending the meetings, donations to the Research Promotion campaign, networking at the social events and sharing your technical expertise.
Michael Ream, P.Eng.
Wes Bruce - NAC President's Message 2017-2018
Welcome to another busy year of ASHRAE! I am honoured to serve as your Chapter President for the term of 2017-18, and hope you will join us for fun, fellowship, and the occasional flash of dry humour.
Our new Society President, Bjarne Olesen, Ph. D., who visited our chapter last year for a discussion on Radiant Heating Cooling Systems, recently introduced his theme of Extending our Community. Bjarne will focus on three key directives:
- Extend our global community
- Extend our technological horizons
- Extend our value to members
With these directives in mind, we will cover several technical topics over the course of the year. To date, we've hosted several presentations, such as Water Quality Considerations for Humidification, as well as a discussion on Defending Primary-Secondary: A Review of Piping Design for Modern Condensing Boilers. Upcoming social events include the John Ross Curling Bonspiel, Lobsterfest, and the NAC Golf Tournament stay tuned to our website for upcoming events, and mark your calendars.
Our chapter will continue to focus on membership development; investing in our young members is critical to the success of our Society. Our new Student Activities YEA Co-chairs are busy promoting the benefits of ASHRAE to both NAIT and U of A students, and in January, well award our annual Scholarships during Students Night. Further, a Co-chair will be attending the upcoming Leadership Academy in Atlanta - a crash course on all things ASHRAE.
If you would like to volunteer with the chapter, or have any questions, ideas, comments, or concerns, please let me know.
Thanks for your support.
Wes Bruce
ASHRAE NAC Chapter President 2017-18