We are excited to announce that ASHRAE Northern Alberta Chapter’s annual Golf Tournament is on! Register now before the event is sold out! All of the proceeds go to ASHRAE research.
When: Thursday June 22th, 2023 Where: Redtail Landing Golf Club 435 Airport Perimeter Rd #7 Edmonton International Airport, AB T9E 0V4 Time: 7:00 AM Registration/Breakfast/Range 8:00 AM Shotgun Start Dinner Following Golf Cost: Foursome $650 Single $175
Prizes with business card are welcome and appreciated.
We will be doing Wine Survivor again this year. The entry fee for the Wine Survivor is $20 plus a bottle of wine. Limited supplies of wine will be available for sale at the registration table if you do not bring a bottle and want to participate.
Sponsorship opportunities are available, please contact Mark at golf@ashraenac.org for further information.